Frolic Misfits Dog Treats


Frolic Misfits Dog Treats

Dogs love a Frolic Misfits Dog Treats! They are nice and bumpy, and chewy too – just the thing to wrestle with behind the sofa! Misfits have said no to artificial colours and flavours and sent them to the naughty basket!


Frolic Misfits Dog Treats

Dogs love a Frolic Misfits Dog Treats! They are nice and bumpy, and chewy too – just the thing to wrestle with behind the sofa! Misfits have said no to artificial colours and flavours and sent them to the naughty basket! Misfits love our dogs because theye one-in-a-million, legendary characters! They know theye too busy chasing squirrels or snaffling socks to worry about the perfectly shaped treat, so neither do they. Misfits – treats full of character for dogs full of character!- No artificial colours or flavours

  • No artificial colours or flavours
  • Not suitable for dogs under 8 kg or puppies under the age of 9 months
  • Use within 14 days of opening
  • Make sure your dog has a bowl of fresh water nearby

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