10 interesting facts about cats

10 interesting facts about cats

10 interesting facts about cats

Did you know that meows are not innate cat language—they developed them to communicate just with humans!

Here are 10 other interesting things to know about your lovely cats.

They are great jumpers

Cats have good jumping power. They can jump up to 10 times their height. Therefore, you can often see them on the top of a fence or on a high wall. They have very strong muscles in their legs which catapults them into the air. So, anytime you wonder how your cat got to a high top, just know they have a superpower. They are also very fast, up to 30mph


Cats have a total of 18 toes. 5 each on the front paws and 4 each on the back paws, except for those who have extra toes and are called Polydactyl cats.

  • Sleep for long

They sleep for most of the day. An average cat sleeps for about 13-16 hours a day. This is approximately 60% of their life. This is because cats to enjoy their own company. They are crepuscular, which means that they’re most active at dawn and dusk, when it is dark.

  • Gentle giants

Maine coons are the largest domestic cat breed in the world. They are referred to as “gentle giants”. A maine coon adult can weigh as much as 10-11kg for the male and 5.4kg for the female. They can grow to as long as 40 inches. They are so big that they make normal adult cats look like kittens.

  • Purring

Have you ever wondered why they purr? Well, purring is a cat’s way of expressing contentment, happiness, and love. They do this when they get a nice stroke or when they cuddle with you.

Ps: when your cat loves you, they’ll cuddle you, sleep near you and follow you around.

  • Age

In terms of development, the first year of a cat’s life is equal to the first 15 years of a human life. After its second year, a cat is 25 in human years. And after that, each year of a cat’s life is equal to about 7 human years.

  • Hearing ability

They can rotate their ears 180 degrees. This means they can hear what’s behind them even without turning back. The hearing of the average cat is at least five times better than that of a human adult.

  • Bones

They have more bones than humans. Cats have about 230 bones while humans have about 206. They have a total of 13 ribs while humans have 12

  • Soft paw pads

Cats make very little noise when they walk around. The thick, soft pads on their paws allow them to walk around without being noticed by their hoomans or even their prey. Cats also use their long tails to balance themselves when they’re jumping or walking along narrow edge

  Tail length

The bobtail cat breed has the shortest tail of all the breeds. The American bobtail, Japanese and Kurilian bobtail, while the manx appear to have no tail at all.

You can learn a lot more and in detail about your cat by spending quality time with them.

10 interesting facts about cats

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