How to detect pregnancy in female dogs

How to detect pregnancy in female dogs

How to detect pregnancy in female dogs

Checking for pregnancy in female dogs is key both for those who planned it and those who didn’t. It allows chance for proper preparation both for the dog and her parents.

Here are ways to check and confirm pregnancy in dogs.

Six ways to check and confirm pregnancy in dogs

  1. First things first, confirm that mating happened.

Confirm if it happened while your dog is on heat. This is because sometimes people assume that a male dog mated their female because they were both left alone. This is not always the case. If the female is not on heat, mating will not occur.

But it is key to note that a female may become pregnant even if she didn’t ‘lock’ with a male; pregnancy can occur if there is enough ejaculation, but ‘locking’ boosts the chances of pregnancy. So, confirm if they mated, and if they locked.

  • Palpation

If you checked that mating occurred, your vet may perform abdominal palpation starting at approximately the 28-30-day mark. At this stage, the puppies feel like little grapes depending on the size of your dog.  You should not attempt abdominal palpation, as it could cause permanent damage on the pups if not handled properly.

Diagnostics/Confirmatory Tests to Confirm Pregnancy

  • Hormone test

At about 22-30 days of pregnancy, your vet may perform a hormonal test on your dog to measure her levels and confirm the presence of relaxin. The placenta produces relaxin and it helps to loosen and relax the muscles, ligaments, and bones even of the pelvic area to permit parturition (delivery of puppies) and make it easier.

  • Radiology exams / X-ray

This checks for the presence of puppies and their total number. To confirm the exact number, the x-ray will be done from different views.

This test can be done at about 40 days (second month) when the skeletal structures are quite formed which make the puppies visible. This procedure is confirmatory.

  •  Ultrasonography/Ultrasound

This test confirms pregnancy too and can be used to check that the puppies are alive. This is done by your vet using a machine called an ultrasound and they check for the foetal (the developing pup is called embryo until day 40, when they are called foetuses) heart beats. This procedure usually takes plate after the first month. An estimate on the number of puppies can be checked too. Ultrasound is the ‘gold standard’ for detecting and monitoring the state of the puppies.

Physical signs to help in detecting pregnancy

The following signs if observed may assist in confirming pregnancy.

  1. Behavioural changes: dogs usually become more affectionate and show ‘nesting behaviour’. Nesting behaviour is when a dog finds a serene place to set for her incoming pups. On the other hand, she may also become irritable, and caution should be placed when your family relates with during this period and after she gives birth.
  2. Physical changes such as increased body weight and enlarged abdomen. The increase in weight depends on the number of puppies. the weight gain is directly related to the size and number of puppies.
  3. Changes in appetite: During pregnancy there might be changes in appetite depending on the stage of pregnancy. These changes may come with her vomiting frequently (equivalent of morning sickness) and these changes are in response to the changing hormones.
  4. Teats become more pronounced and pinkish especially when she is close to her Expected Date of Delivery (EDD)

PS: These physical signs don’t ‘confirm’ pregnancy. Some have all these signs but have a false pregnancy (pseudopregnancy). So, to confirm pregnancy consult with your vet so the necessary test are done.

Lastly, how long are dogs pregnant for?

  • Dogs are pregnant for about 62-64 days (two months). Although the Merck Veterinary Manual says, “predicting the timing of a delivery can be difficult because the date of breeding does not always match the date of conception. The length of pregnancy can also vary with breed and litter size.”


Confirming pregnancy although straightforward require some level of expertise to go through.

However, these tips are for your information and guidance and you should only take certain steps with the advice of your vet. Your vet will also be able to inform you on prenatal and post-natal care.

How to detect pregnancy in female dogs

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